Santerre Lab Welcomes New Students!

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Jennifer Chan, a new Masters student, and Alex Gulka, a new undergraduate thesis student from the division of Engineering Science, and a welcome BACK to Devika Jain, who will be starting her Masters work with us this year. Bob Tremblay, our friend the moose, welcomed them to the Rogers Centre for Heart Research earlier this month. 

Jennifer completed her undergraduate degree in Engineering Science, majoring in Biomedical Systems Engineering, at U of T in 2016. She will be working with D-PHI with the aim of regenerating heart tissue. 

Devika has just graduated from Chemical Engineering at U of T (see here), after completing her 4th year thesis working with D-PHI as a gingival tissue engineering scaffold. Her new project involves new territory for the lab (both scientifically and physically) - she will be working with D-PHI chemistry to develop a reusable replacement pad for ultrasound gel in remote areas of Africa. 

Alex is a 4th year student in Biomedical Systems Engineering working with Xiaoqing on tissue engineering of small diameter vascular grafts. 

You can read more about Jennifer, Devika and Alex here.